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How to swaddle a baby in a muslin wrap
Whether you’re asking yourself ‘what are muslin wraps used for?’, ‘how to swaddle a newborn’ or ‘when to stop swaddling baby’, we’re bringing you a...

How to cope with a new baby during COVID-19
Bringing your baby home from the hospital can be a surreal experience. There is a great deal of tears (from baby and parents), laughter, cooing, and...

An Open Letter on Mother’s Day
A letter to the women who gave me life and the daughters I birthed into this world. All having an impact and shaping me...

How to repurpose your old baby clothes
We all know how fast babies grow. With all their tiny ensembles, we can find ourselves with an excessive amount of like-new clothing that...

Maternity Clothing | The Ultimate Guide
Maternity clothing. It’s a challenge every soon-to-be-mum is faced with. When should you start buying them? How do they work? What should you wear...

7 pregnancy and parenting tips for the holidays
Nadine Richardson, She Births® founder and doula, offers some hot holiday tips for pregnancy and parenting this festive season. Over to you, Nadine... The...

An interview with Erika Lamour, founder of The Sleep Dept
If you’re a parent, you’ll know – or you’ll remember – how precious sleep is for both bub and parents. But, particularly in the...

Prenatal yoga benefits: What it is and why it's important
Last updated: October 3rd 2019 Written by Nadine Richardson, mother, yoga teacher, doula, speaker, Director of The Birthing Institute, Creator and Founder of the...