The Earth Misses You.
Now more than ever, we need to
Stop. Reset. Connect
When we connect with nature, we connect with
ourselves and the desire to do better for the Earth.
At Boody, we put sustainable thinking
at the center of everything we do.

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The Boody Holiday Mode Playlist
It's been a big year and we're ready to turn holiday mode ON. You too? The Boody team have put together a playlist featuring all our favourite songs to get you feeling relaxed and ready for 2021. Our playlist features feel good hits, office favourites played this year and tracks to get you up and moving. Whether you're home for Christmas or on a local roadtrip - turn our playlist ON for feel good holiday vibes. Like what you hear? Tell us and connect with Boody on social via @boody!

Activities To Do If Staying Home This Christmas
Christmas this year may look and feel different. With many staying home for Christmas and the holiday break this year, there’s never been a better time to read that book you’ve been meaning to read, declutter your space and embrace sustainable living like building a compost bin. We’ve put a list together of activities that can be enjoyed for those staying home this Christmas. Show us what you’re up to and tag us on social @boody - we'd love to see! Build a compost bin. Composting is a great way to enrich soil to help your plants grow. Instead of throwing away your organic waste, you can compost and see over the course of a year, the material you have compiled will decompose. See our list to help get you started Fruit scraps Vegetable scraps Coffee grounds Eggshells Grass and plant clippings Dry leaves Finely chopped wood and bark chips Shredded newspaper Straw Embrace nature around you. There is no better way to reset than to get back and connect nature and all her goodness. Why not go for a bike ride or hike around your local national park. Take in that fresh air and focus on your breath. Spending time in nature has many benefits for your mental wellbeing and can improve your mood and reduce stress. Clean Out Your Closet and Donate to a Charity Declutter and clean out your space. A good rule of thumb is to donate anything that hasn't made its way into rotation in the past year. We support Thread Together. Thread Together serves a simple yet important mission: to deliver good quality, clean clothing to members of our community who are doing it tough. Learn more about Thread Together here. Plant a Tree or bring plants into your home Planting trees is a way we can give back to the planet and to ourselves. Through the process of photosynthesis, trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Why not opt for a tree you can eat and plant a citrus tree like oranges or lemons. Grow your own vegetable garden We’re real enthusiasts when it comes to having your own vegetable garden including a herb garden. Consuming more fresh fruits and vegetables is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy. When you pick vegetables right from your garden, the vitamin content will be at its highest. Growing your own vegetables, fruits and herbs means that you are reducing the risk of eating vegetables that contain harmful chemicals because you know exactly what you're eating. Get creative and paint Painting produces a relaxing, open environment. Explore your own creativity! Stimulus of the creative mind allows one to positively isolate from reality. This allows you to mentally rest which in turn lowers stress and generates relaxation and happy feelings. Learn a dance routine Get up and get moving. It’s so fun and really allows you to take your mind off your thoughts and into concentrating on dance steps. Start a book club Running a book club is not only a fun way to enjoy books and meet new people, it's also a great way to learn new perspectives and participate in some healthy debate! Looking for comfort wear for home? Shop Boody lounge and sleepwear.