Last updated: 6th March 2019
Every day we see people trying to make a difference in the world with eco-friendly initiatives and zero-waste campaigns. But that doesn’t give us an excuse to sit back and assume they’ve got it all under control.
According to Living Smart Queensland, from the 18 millions tonnes of waste produced each year in Australia, approximately seven million tonnes of that rubbish is from the household sector. Each Australian family contributes enough waste annually to fill a three-bedroom house from floor to ceiling! Yikes.
To contribute positive change to our planet, it’s up to us as individuals to change our daily habits. Living without waste not only benefits the earth but supports our physical and mental health in many ways.
All it takes is the desire to make a change, along with actionable steps to do so. Check out our 16 suggestions to help you get started with the no-waste lifestyle – how quickly can you go zero?
What does it mean to be zero waste?
At its core, living a zero-waste lifestyle simply means to make better decisions around what we're consuming and the way we're consuming. It's about avoiding nasty materials where we can, such as plastic, and reusing as much as we can. But what about recycling? Is that considered zero waste?
Is recycling considered zero waste?
Although recycling is, of course, better than not recycling, it is still a form of waste. Many products (including all plastics) are not fully recycled anyway – they're downcycled. This means they become a product of lesser quality before being further downcycled until they eventually end up on a landfill. Try to reduce your recycling by reusing as much as possible.
How can I get zero waste at home?
1. It’s time to break up with your stuff
A survey by the Australian Institute for a Just, Sustainable and Peaceful Future has found 88 per cent of Australian homes have at least one cluttered room, and the average home has three or more cluttered rooms.
De-cluttering not only gives you more space, but it also clears your mind so you can focus on what really matters in your life. The easiest place to start? Your closet. A minimalist wardrobe will help make room for what’s important in your life.
2. Make your own cleaning products
It’s no secret that chemical cleaning products are linked to asthma, cancer, reproductive disorders, hormone disruption and neurotoxicity. Switching to natural, homemade cleaning products not only saves you money but your family’s health too. You’ll find most ingredients to make natural cleaning products are already in your cupboard. Check out Wellness Mama’s recipes to get you started.
3. Stick a ‘no advertising’ label on your letterbox
It’s called junk mail for a reason. Not only are advertising brochures adding to our rubbish pile, but they’re encouraging us to buy more ‘stuff’ we don’t need.
4. Fix broken things before throwing them out
You would be surprised at what you can find on YouTube when it comes to fixing things. So before jumping to conclusions and tossing something out, get your creativity buzzing and look up a DIY video on YouTube. You might just become your own handyman.
5. Exchange books with your friends or go digital
Start a book swap with your friends. It’s a great way to read much-loved books and expand your reading interests. Otherwise, purchase from a second-hand bookshop or download your books digitally. Not only will you save paper, but it’s half the price of a hardback copy and you can keep it on your digital device wherever you go.
How to live a zero-waste lifestyle at work
6. Have sustainable lunches
Stay healthy and save money by making your own lunch. Opt for a reusable container or natural piece of fabric to wrap your lunch in. We love the Nature Lunch Box range which also has plenty of ideas for sustainable lunches.
7. Limit printing
After typing something up, why not try fitting it onto one less page than it already is? Condense the font, increase your margins and don’t waste unnecessary paper. Recycle paper and use double-sided printing.
8. Replace your post-its with visual ones
Going online is an efficient way to file your life and work stuff with ease. Chrome extensions such as Sticky Note or applications like Evernote are easy to use. The best part? You can keep your to-do list with you wherever you go and sync it to all of your devices.
9. Bring your own coffee cup
Each year over 20 million trees are cut down to make paper cups. The sad thing is, how hard is it really to purchase a reusable cup or bring your own mug? It’s people like Kate Nelson who are speaking up and saying no to coffee cups. Quit your cup with Kate and get involved in her #toplessforthesea initiative. You’re guaranteed to feel like a better person for it.
How to be zero waste in the kitchen
10. Adopt a composter
Whether you’re living in a house or apartment, you can still use a compost bin. Forbes has a great DIY idea to make your own compost bin that is easy to upkeep even in the tiniest kitchen.
11. Say goodbye to plastic containers, cling wrap and aluminium foil
Plastic containers and cling wrap are not only adding to more landfill but are lined with chemicals that are harmful to the body. Purchase eco-friendly lunchboxes and glass containers instead. Green4u has a chart on the harmful effects of plastic products.
12. Bring your own bags
According to Living Smart Queensland, Australians use enough plastic bags each year that if these were tied together they would stretch around the world 24 times! That's a lot of plastic bags.
Grab yourself a sustainable canvas bag which you can alternatively use as a handbag or keep in your regular handbag for unexpected grocery shops.
How to be zero waste when going out
13. Refuse paper towels in restaurants
According to a recent study by Scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, paper towels generate 70% more carbon emissions than the newest technology on the market. Opt for a fabric serviette and use the hand-dryer in the bathroom.
14. Bring a container with you and do your own doggie bag
If you’re the type to never say no to leftover meals in a restaurant, be sure to bring your own container and skip out on the plastic.
How to create a zero-waste bathroom
15. Make your own cosmetics and hygiene products
Be your own potion maker. Experiment with different recipes that leave your skin and hair feeling nourished and glowing. Invest in some essential oils and start making your own soaps, scrubs, cleansers and toothpaste. Beauty Chef Carla Oates has some luscious recipes you’ll even want to eat.
16. Switch for durable alternatives
Instead of using cotton pads to remove make-up, opt for a reusable cloth. Swap out your plastic toothbrush for one made out of bamboo. Store your homemade beauty products in reusable jars.
See – living without waste doesn’t have to be so difficult!
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What is Plastic Free July and why is it important?
Plastic Free July is here again. But what exactly is the global movement and what makes it so important? Well, anyone who tries to live even the slightest bit of a sustainable life, will know the importance of cutting down single-use plastics. So, what better time to cut down or cut out plastic altogether? We take a look at what Plastic Free July is, why it’s important and how you can get involved. Why not get into the habit of reducing single-use plastic waste every day, whether it’s at home, work or your favourite place to go for lunch. By taking part in Plastic Free July, you’ll be doing something that challenges people and yourself, but gets others to take part in slowing down and ultimately ending the process of plastic production. What is Plastic Free July? Plastic Free July is a global movement that allows millions of people across the world to be part of the solution to plastic pollution. From cleaner oceans to streets, Plastic Free July is the perfect opportunity to commit to refusing single-use plastics. Plastic Free July is an important initiative of the Plastic Free Foundation, an independent, not-for-profit organisation working towards a world free from plastic waste. From humble beginnings in 2011, the award-winning Plastic Free July campaign has been born from years of hard work and dedication. Why is Plastic Free July important? We produce an estimated 300 million tonnes of plastic each year. Let that sink in for a few moments. Once it has… process the next part: roughly half of it is disposable! Sadly, only 10-13% of plastic items are actually recycled. And, because of the nature of petroleum-based disposable plastic, it is almost impossible to recycle it and chemicals have to be added in order to do so. These same degrading chemicals make their way into our food and water supply. And this is just some of the terrible impacts plastic has on us. When it comes to the environment, we’ve all seen devastating images of sea creatures tangled in plastic. We’ve also seen what climate change does to the planet, a concept that plastic waste contributes to. How you can get involved Whether you’re an eco newbie on the hunt for a few single-use plastics to avoid or are a more seasoned sustainable warrior, there are many ways you can feel inspired to live a plastic-free life. Here are just a few to get you started. Switch to reusable coffee cups If you haven’t already, it’s time to ditch those disposable cups and opting for reusable versions. Ours is the perfect option for your favourite morning beverage. Refuse pre-packed fruit and vegetables Buying fruits and veggies wrapped in plastic packaging is convenient but bad for the environment. Avoid single-use plastics and refuse pre-packed groceries. Get some reusable straws Sometimes a straw is the perfect accompaniment to a nice, cool drink. But if the straw’s plastic, you’re better off going without. The solution? Carry a reusable straw with you so you can refuse plastic. Replace plastic bags with a tote Choosing to refuse single-use plastics is a bold and effective step to a better planet. Plastic shopping bags should be instantly cut from your life. Always carry a reusable tote with you. Say no to plastic water bottles Single-use plastic water bottles have no place in today’s world. A simple and sustainable solution is carrying a reusable flask with you. Easy. Effortless. Eco. Head to the Plastic Free July website to find out more ways you can help.

What is World Environment Day and how can you get involved?
From last summer’s devastating bushfires to our increasingly polluted seas, there’s no denying the impact our actions have on the planet. That’s why we all need to take steps to reduce our footprint and live a more sustainable life this World Environment Day and beyond. From choosing bamboo as our hero fabric to giving back to an array of causes, we always keep sustainability at the forefront of our minds. But before we look at everything we’re doing to be greener here at Boody, we thought we’d take a look at what World Environment Day is and how it's being celebrated this year. What is World Environment Day? One of the most important days across the globe for environmental action, World Environment Day engages citizens, businesses, the government and celebrities to turn their attention to pressing environmental issues. Since 1974, World Environment Day has been celebrated annually on the 5th of June. World Environment Day recognises glocal change requires a global community and it offers a platform for positive change. It pushes us to rethink the way we consume, for businesses to develop greener models, for governments to protect wild spaces and so much more. It needs all of our support. World Environment Day is hosted by a different country each year, in which official celebrations occur. This year’s host is Colombia in partnership with Germany. But in a time when so many of us are physically distancing and staying inside, even more people will be celebrating digitally across the world. Sign up to stay in the loop. This year, the theme for World Environment Day is biodiversity – an urgent concern for our planet. Following the devastating bushfires in Australia, the US and Brazil, locusts infestations across East Africa and the current global pandemic we’re facing, the interdependence we as humans have on the webs of life has never been clearer. What is biodiversity? Biodiversity speaks to the variety of life on Earth, including the 8 million plant and animal species that roam our beautiful planet. It also speaks to the ecosystems that house them, and the genetic diversity among them. Biodiversity is an intricate and interdependent web, in which each member plays a significant role, drawing and contributing in ways that may not even be visible to the eye. The bountiful foods we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the weather that makes our planet habitable all come from nature. How you can get involved We all have a role to play in ending biodiversity loss and preserving nature. We must reconsider what and how we consume to be the change we want to see in the world. To do this, there are three ways we can all participate – even if we’re socially-distancing or self-isolating at home. Learn While we’re all spending more time at home, it’s a great opportunity to learn more about the Earth’s wild species and habitats. Use the time to reflect on the role that natures plays in our lives and the ways in which we can champion positive change. Share In the run-up to World Environment Day, UNEP opened conversation threads in eight languages across its social media channels. They want you to tell them why it’s time #ForNature. This is the perfect opportunity for all of us to share what we love about our world and spread the word. Act Following World Environment Day and in the run-up to the 5th UN Environment Assembly in 2021 – when the world’s environment ministers will set global priorities – we are all being asked to act on the knowledge we have gained to help end biodiversity loss and the climate crisis. Here are some resources for you to learn about how you can protect nature. Join Earth School and take part in the 30 environmental lessons hosted by TED-Ed and curated by some of the best nature teachers in the world. Learn about how you can help fight climate change through the United Nations’ Act Now campaign. Learn about plastic pollution and how it affects marine species through UNEP’s Clean Seas campaign Find out about the Anatomy of Action, which maps out actions individuals can take to reduce their carbon footprint. Sign up to iNaturalist, an online community of naturalists, where you can record your observations of plants and animals and meet other nature lovers. How we do our bit, all year round If we had our way, every day would be World Environment Day. But today it’s official, so what better opportunity to give you an update on what we’re doing to keep our planet Boodyful. 1. Choosing sustainable fabrics By choosing Boody, you’re making a positive impact on the planet. The below stats show the difference we’ve made to the environment since 2016 by manufacturing with organically-grown bamboo over conventional non-organic cotton. 2. Giving back We donate 1% of all online sales to non-profit organisations that work to protect the environment. Last year alone, we raised $125,000 in donations to various environmental not-for-profits through our partnership with 1% for the Planet. 3. Reducing waste By giving excess stock from the fashion industry to people in our community doing it tough, Thread Together has diverted tonnes of new clothing from landfill to date. In 2019, we gave 2,500 items of clothing to those in need via our partnership. Join the conversation on Instagram with #WorldEnvironmentDay #ForNature and #EveryBoody.

How to create a sustainable home one room at a time
It’s April. Which means it’s nearly Earth Day again. Except, this year we’d hardly notice because we have so much else going on. Social distancing. Self-isolating. Trying to keep our spirits high during a time filled with so much uncertainty. But there are some positives that have come from this unprecedented time. You might have seen the satellite photos displaying how the COVID-19-led lockdowns across the world have lowered global emissions and giving Mother Nature a well-earned rest. What better way to celebrate Earth Day later this month? And, while we spend more time at home than ever before, we find ourselves finding time to focus on things we rarely have time for. Our physical and mental wellbeing. Creative hobbies and outlets. Spending time with loved ones we live with, albeit at a distance. Another thing we might find we have extra time for at home is catching up with some bits around the home we’ve put off. And, seeing as it’s Earth Day later this month, what better time to figure out how to create a sustainable home one room at a time? Sarah Pelham, the Beauty & Wellness Expert for Bookwell, offers some of these handy tips which we hope help to take your mind off the never-ending stream of news right now. Over to you, Sarah. Make your home eco-friendly Sustainable living is something that’s becoming more and more important to a lot of us, and we might have already started to make simple lifestyle changes such as walking more rather than using the car, or taking our own reusable shopping bags with us when we head out. And that’s great! But it’s time we all went a little bit further; it’s time we start shifting from a sustainable lifestyle to a sustainable house. Eco homes can massively minimise our impact on the environment. And don’t worry – creating eco-friendly homes isn’t quite as daunting as it sounds! There are lots of ‘basic’ changes you can make instantly, such as swapping out incandescent bulbs for LED lighting or getting a recycling bin, for example. But if you’re keen to delve into the world of eco-homes, even more, there are lots more ways that you can make a difference, making positive changes around your home, one room at a time. Here’s a bit of room-by-room inspiration to get you started: Bathroom National Geographic estimates that 91% of plastic isn’t recycled. This is why to have a truly sustainable bathroom, it’s best to try and avoid products that are made of, or are packaged in, plastic. Here are some great plastic-free bathroom alternatives to get you started. With bathrooms often being warm and steamy from a hot bath or shower, they’re the perfect environment for germs to thrive. Cleaning a bathroom is never a pleasant job, and many of us automatically choose the strongest cleaning solutions to make sure we kill any nasties lying around. Unfortunately, these chemical-filled cleaners get flushed away, filtered, and are back in the water supply… even if some chemicals still remain. Instead, try to use natural cleaning products. You can even make some yourself using white vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda. Kitchen One of the best ways to get the ball rolling on an eco kitchen is to invest. Invest in high-quality cookware and durable plates and bowls, rather than always selecting the cheapest options. Why? Because investing in quality means investing in sustainability. High-quality cookware and dishes are more likely to withstand frequent use and washing, and less likely to deteriorate or break from everyday use. Cookware that lasts for years can significantly reduce demand for manufacturing, and all the byproducts of manufacturing such as energy, water, and fuel. If you’re not quite a dab hand in the kitchen, you may want to look away now. Believe it or not, cooking at home is actually one of the best ways to create a sustainable kitchen! Pre-packaged ready meals have probably done more travelling than you and me combined. Each step of the process will usually be handled at a different facility, really clocking up those food miles. Cooking from scratch not only means you can reduce your carbon footprint, but you can also be sure that the ingredients have been sourced sustainably. Don’t forget to use green kitchen appliances, too. Bedroom Could your bedroom do with a lick of paint? If you’re redecorating, try to use eco-friendly paint that’s much better for the environment (and for your own health, too!). Look for ‘low VOC’ or ‘zero VOC’ paints, which have fewer volatile organic compounds that can be released into the air. Low VOC paints typically have less than 50g per litre, while zero VOC paints have less than 5g per litre. It’s always best to check the labels to know for sure, but as a general rule of thumb, flat latex paints that are light in colour usually have lower VOCs than glossy, oil-based paints. If you’ve chosen cotton sheets for your bedroom, good for you. You probably know that cotton is a pretty good choice for a sustainable bedroom. But it’s not the best choice. The problem with cotton is that fertilisers and pesticides are often used in the farming processes, which aren’t great for the planet. If you’re looking to make a quick and simple swap, switch to organic bamboo sheets, which look and feel really similar. Bamboo holds the world record for the fastest-growing plant at a rate of 91cm per day, so there’s always a constant, renewable source. Here’s some more benefits of bamboo. Living Room Think the perfect couch doesn’t exist? Think again. Steve Jobs’ wife Laurene Powell once said that it took the Apple Co-Founder eight years to decide on a couch, but we think it’s much easier to find the right one… especially if you look at sustainable options. A sustainable couch really can be whatever you make it. You could choose second-hand furniture, with absolutely no new resources used, or you could buy new. When buying new, look for couches made using sustainable wood (with FSC or AFS certification), or try to buy from a local manufacturer. Need new furniture for your living room? Here’s a bit of a crazy idea, but it’s one that could help you create a unique space and the sustainable living room of your dreams. Instead of buying new, how about trying to build new furniture from items already in your home? This is also ideal now it’s hard to get out much! For example, you could create a side table by stacking books, or a box shelf from an old desk drawer. Upcycling is a fantastic way to minimise the amount we send to landfill and create one-of-a-kind spaces. And best of all, you’ll be reducing the piles of clutter that you just don’t know what to do with! There’s no rush The thought of what could happen if we all carry on as we are is terrifying, but the truth is that the world isn’t going to implode tomorrow. Don’t try and implement all these changes at once, or you may end up feeling overwhelmed and wanting to give up. And that’s not doing the planet any good! Instead, approach sustainable living from a ‘one room at a time’ perspective. By working in bite-sized, manageable chunks, you’ll soon find that you’ve created an eco-home that really makes a difference. And right now, this could be time well-spent indeed. Sarah Pelham is the Beauty & Wellness Expert for Bookwell.com.au, an online platform for instant bookings for hair, nails, beauty & massage appointments. For nearly four years Sarah has worked closely with hundreds of salon owners within the beauty and wellness industries. She has her finger on the pulse of new trends in this growing market.